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Magic Online Limited Events

LAST UPDATED: MARCH 20, 2025 - Added separate Cube Single-Elimination

Magic Online runs events around the clock. No matter when the urge to play strikes, you can log on and find events to join in any Magic format, from eight person drafts to giant events with hundreds of other players! This page is dedicated to Limited Events, so if it's Draft or Sealed that you want to play, read on!


New To Magic Online Events

Some Magic Online Events can be joined with New Player Points, which are included with every new Magic Online account and also feature in the Account Upgrade Kit. Familiarize yourself with the game and program through these events before exploring what else Magic Online has to offer!


Location: Limited or Constructed > Gauntlet
Format: Modern Gauntlet – Magic Online will randomly provide one of several preconstructed Modern decks. This is a Phantom event - cards won’t be added to your Collection at the end of this event.
Entry Options: 2 New Player Points
Structure: Gauntlet League. Play 3 matches on your schedule.


Location: Limited or Constructed > Gauntlet
Format: Commander Gauntlet – After joining, you choose which of the 5 Starter Commander Decks you wish to use. This is a Phantom event - cards won’t be added to your Collection at the end of this event.
Entry Options: 6 New Player Points OR 2 Event Tickets OR 20 Play Points
Structure: Gauntlet League: Single-game, two-player matches with 40 life. Play up to 3 matches on your schedule.


Location: Limited > Draft
Format: Jumpstart – After joining, you choose one of three 20-card half-decks presented from the pool of 10-50 lists. Then you choose a second half-deck from a new display of three. You get a chance to review your combined decklist before joining the match queue. This is a Phantom event - cards won’t be added to your Collection at the end of this event.
Entry Options: 10 New Player Points OR 4 Event Tickets OR 50 Play Points
Structure: Play single-game matches on your schedule until you reach 5 wins or 3 losses, 15-minute timer per player per match.


Play as much Magic as you want, when you want, with Magic Online Leagues! Knock all of your matches out in an afternoon, or stretch them over the full course of the League!

Draft League

League Begin/Close/End Dates: Open the League to display the current League’s timings.
Location: Limited -> Draft
Product: 3 booster packs matching the current League set
Entry Options:

Structure: Three matches (first to win 2 games), each lasting up to 50 minutes

Match Wins Prizes MTGO
3 Wins 7 booster packs 2
2 Wins 3 booster packs 0

Best-of-One Draft League

League Begin/Close/End Dates: Open the League to display the current League’s timings. This League is generally offered only during the first few weeks of a set's release.
Location: Limited -> Draft
Product: 3 booster packs matching the current League set
Entry Options:

Structure: Up to nine single-game matches, each lasting up to 30 minutes. Course ends after reaching 7 wins or 3 losses, whichever comes first.

Game Wins Prizes MTGO
7 Wins 240 Play Points and 3 booster packs 2
6 Wins 150 Play Points and 2 booster packs 1
5 Wins 120 Play Points and 1 booster pack 0
4 Wins 90 Play Points 0
3 Wins 60 Play Points 0


Play as much Magic as you want, when you want, with Magic Online Leagues! Knock all of your matches out in an afternoon, or stretch them over the full course of the League!

Competitive Sealed League

League Begin/Close/End Dates: Open the League to display the current League’s timings.
Location: Limited -> Sealed
Product: 6 booster packs matching the current League set
Entry Options:

Structure: Up to five matches, each lasting up to 50 minutes

Match Wins Prizes MTGO
5 Wins 8 booster packs and 360 Play Points 5
4 Wins 4 booster packs and 240 Play Points 2
3 Wins 1 booster pack and 120 Play Points 1

Friendly Sealed Multi-Stage Leagues

League Begin/Close/End Dates: Open the League to display the current League’s timings.
Location: Limited -> Sealed
Structure: Two stages, each of which consists of three matches, for a total of six matches, each up to 50 minutes
Format: 6 boosters matching the current League set, with an option to add an additional booster pack after Stage 1.
Initial Entry Options:

Prizes at the End of Each Stage: These prizes are based on the matches that occurred only in that stage:

Match Wins Prizes
3 Wins 40 Play Points
2 Wins 30 Play Points
1 Win 20 Play Points
0 Wins 10 Play Points

Upgrade Options:

Final League Prizes: These prizes are based on your overall record in the League course.

Match Wins Prizes
6 Wins 3 booster packs and 200 Play Points
5 Wins 2 booster packs and 150 Play Points
4 Wins 1 booster pack and 100 Play Points
3 Wins 70 Play Points
2 Wins 50 Play Points


We also have Limited Queues! They are available around the clock, come in a variety of playstyles and formats, and begin when the minimum player size has been reached.

Swiss Draft

Start Time: Fire on demand
Location: Play Lobby -> Limited -> Draft
Entry Options:

Product: Magic Online will provide 3 boosters of the appropriate set(s).
Size: 8 players
Play Style: Swiss
Duration: 10 minutes deck-building time. Three rounds, each round lasting up to 50 minutes

Match Wins Prizes MTGO
3 7 boosters of the appropriate set(s) 2
2 3 boosters of the appropriate set(s) 0

Single Elimination Draft

Start Time: Fire on demand
Location: Limited -> Draft
Entry Options:

Product: Magic Online will provide 3 boosters of the appropriate set(s).
Size: 8 players
Play Style: Swiss
Duration: 10 minutes deck-building time. Three rounds, each round lasting up to 50 minutes

Place Prizes MTGO
1st 150 Play Points and 8 booster packs 3
2nd 150 Play Points and 4 booster packs 1



From time to time we offer a set of Leagues and Queues that feature older or curated formats.

Cube and Flashback Phantom Swiss Leagues

League Begin/Close/End Dates: Open the League to display the current League's timings.
Location: Play Lobby -> Limited -> Draft
Entry Options:

Product: Magic Online will provide 3 booster packs of the selected set(s) or Cube. This is a Phantom event - cards won’t be added to your Collection at the end of this event. Visit for links on current Cube card pools.
Structure: Draft, then play up to three matches, each lasting up to 50 minutes

Match Wins Prizes MTGO
3 Wins 150 Play Points and 1 Treasure Chest 2
2 Wins 100 Play Points 0
1 Win 50 Play Points 0

Regular Cube Phantom Single Elimination Queue

Start Time: Fire on demand. The queue generally opens at 10:00 a.m. PT on the opening Wednesday and ends at 10:00 a.m. on its end date.
Location: Play Lobby -> Limited -> Draft
Entry Options:

Product: Magic Online will provide 3 phantom booster packs of the current League set. This is a Phantom event - cards won’t be added to your Collection at the end of this event.
Structure: Draft, then best-of-three game matches, each lasting up to 50 minutes, until you reach 3 wins or 1 loss

Match Wins Prizes MTGO
3 Wins 240 Play Points 2
2 Wins 160 Play Points 0
1 Win 100 Play Points 0

Vintage Cube Always-On Single Elimination Queue

Start Time: Fire on demand.
Location: Play Lobby -> Limited -> Draft
Entry Options:

Product: Magic Online will provide 3 phantom booster packs of the most recent Cube iteration used for the Swiss League. The card pool can be found on this page. This is a Phantom event - cards won’t be added to your Collection at the end of this event.
Structure: Draft, then best-of-three game matches, each lasting up to 50 minutes, until you reach 3 wins or 1 loss

Match Wins Prizes MTGO
3 Wins 400 Play Points 3
2 Wins 200 Play Points 1
1 Win QP Only 1

Cube 64-Player Single Elimination Draft

Start Time: Schedule varies - check the Weekly Blog at when this event is offered
Location: Play Lobby -> Limited -> Scheduled Events
Number of Players: Exactly 64 required - the system will wait up to 15 minutes after the scheduled start time to reach 64 players, otherwise it will self-cancel and refund entries.
Entry Options: 

Product: Magic Online will provide 3 phantom booster packs of the current League set. The card pool can be found on this page. This is a Phantom event - cards won’t be added to your Collection at the end of this event.
Structure: Draft, then best-of-three game matches, each lasting up to 50 minutes, until you reach 3 wins or 1 loss. After three rounds, the 8 players with three wins repeat this process once.

Match Wins Play Points Treasure
6 Wins 750 30 24
5 Wins 600 20 12
4 Wins 500 10 6
3 Wins 400 6 3
2 Wins 250 3 1


Looking to step up the level of competition or earn Magic Online Qualifier Points in larger chunks? Then join a Preliminary, Trial, or Format Challenge event. There's one that starts most hours of the week. For more details, click here


Battle the best in the Magic: The Gathering Online Premier Play Program.

Whether you want to focus on a single format or dabble in a variety of event types, whether you want to qualify for the Regional Championship, Pro Tour or the end-of-season Magic Online Champions Showcase and a share of its large cash prize pool and two invitations to the World Championship, now more than ever you can play your way with the Magic Online Premier Play Program.

Use Qualifier Points (QPs) you earn in other events to join Magic Online Premier Play events. Check out the full details of the Program to learn more.