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Magic Online Treasure Chest Information

Posted on Nov 03, 2024

Treasure Chests are a type of prize on Magic Online! Details about Treasure Chest contents can be found in the dropdowns below.

Last Updated: 3/10/2025 4 p.m. PT
Effective Date: 3/12/2025 10 a.m. PT - check our Twitter, BlueSky, and Discord for exact timing

Next Update: April 8, 10 a.m. PT

The following is a breakdown of what you can expect to find in each slot of a Magic Online Treasure Chest.

SLOT #1 3% 62% -- -- 35% --
SLOT #2 -- 98% 2% -- -- --
SLOT #3 -- 95% -- 5% -- --
BASE PP -- -- -- -- -- 100%

Each Treasure Chest contains one random selection for Slot 1, one for Slot 2, and one for Slot 3. Slot 4 is a fixed 5 Play Points. Read the table across to identify the rate of each selection.

For each category except 5 Play Points, the selection is made from the table of the same name below. The table consists of cards/digital objects with their respective Relative Drop Rates (RDR). To identify the absolute drop rate of a given item, divide that item's drop rate by the sum of RDR in the table.

  • For example, the chance that a Variable Play Point drop will provide 20 Play Points is 450 (the Relative Drop Rate of 20 Play Points) divided by 2,001 (the sum of the Relative Drop Rates for the Variable Play Point table), or approximately 22.5%.

The rarity on the card shown reflects only the original printing of the card and is not indicative of its frequency of appearance in Treasure Chests. All curated cards are non-premium.

When a Modern-Era Rare or Mythic Rare drop is indicated, the specific card that appears could be from any Modern-era set. This doesn't include sets that were never Standard-legal, such as Masters or Horizons sets. Rares and mythic rares in these sets that are banned in Modern are still included. All cards that appear in this category are non-premium.

Each rare will appear twice as often as any given mythic rare, meaning that any rare has a RDR of 2 and each mythic rare has a RDR of 1.

  • Rares from sets that did not contain mythic rares, as well as Time Spiral's Timeshifted bonus sheet, still have a RDR of 2.

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The first slot in a Treasure Chest has a 35% chance of containing Play Points. If this happens, the table below is consulted to identify the number of Play Points appearing. See above for a description of Relative Drop Rates. If a Variable Play Point drop occurs, it will be combined with the base Five Play Points rather than appearing separately.

Play Point Count Relative Drop Rate
10 Play Points 450
15 Play Points 450
20 Play Points 450
30 Play Points 250
40 Play Points 300
80 Play Points 50
120 Play Points 50
1000 Play Points 1

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Some cards have multiple versions in the Magic Online Treasure Chest. These are listed separately with the set code for that version listed. Note that a card on the Curated sheet appearing in a specific Treasure Chest doesn't necessarily mean it was a Curated sheet pull; many cards are on both this sheet and the Modern-Era Rare/Mythic Rare sheet.

See above for a description of Relative Drop Rates.

We've added descriptions of promos to help distinguish between multiple versions in the same TC slot.

A note on set symbols:

  • PRM indicates a promo that uses the Magic Online promo set symbol or an alternate treatment.
    • From DMU forward, promos uses the set's code rather than PRM
  • PZ2 cards use the Magic Online Treasure Chest symbol.
  • SPG is the Special Guests set first introduced with Murders at Karlov Manor


Total RDR in this list – 25

Card Name Set Treatment Slots
Avenging Hunter CLB FOIL 1
Barrowgoyf M3C Extended-Art 1
Boseiju, Who Endures PRM Extended-Art FOIL 1
Broadside Bombardiers LCC FOIL 1
Campfire CMM FOIL 1
Consign to Memory MH3   1
Duskmourn: House of Horrors Set DSK   1
Grinding Station 5DN   1
Healing Technique C21 FOIL 1
Ketramose, the New Dawn DFT First Place Regular 1
Mox Opal SOM Foil 1
Nihil Spellbomb BRC Retro FOIL 1
Olivia's Wrath LCC FOIL 1
Opposition Agent PRM Extended-Art FOIL 1
Overlord of the Balemurk DSK Japan Showcase FOIL 1
Parallax Tide NE FOIL 1
Plagon, Lord of the Beach J25 FOIL 1
Planar Nexus M3C FOIL 1
Replenish UD FOIL 1
Scythecat Cub J25 FOIL 1
Snuff Out MM FOIL 1
Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student MH3 Foil Borderless 1
Underground Sea VMA FOIL 1
Urza's Workshop BRC   1
Wave Goodbye LCC FOIL 1

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This slot contains the Japan Showcase Fracture Foils.

.Total RDR in this list – 10

Card Name Set Treatment Slots
Chandra, Spark Hunter DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1
Cursecloth Wrappings DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1
Explosive Getaway DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1
Loot, the Pathfinder DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1
March of the World Ooze DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1
Mimeoplasm, Revered One DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1
Mu Yanling, Wind Rider DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1
Radiant Lotus DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1
Salvation Engine DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1
Spectacular Pileup DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1

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This slot will return with Tarkir: Dragonstorm

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This slot contains an Aetherdrift Golden Booster 5 percent of the time.

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CHANGE LIST - March 12

The following table reflects the changes in Relative Drop Rate since the previous Treasure Chest iteration.

Card Name Set Treatment New # Slots Change from Previous
Aatchik, Emerald Radian DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Abhorrent Oculus DSK Foil Borderless 0 -1
Accursed Duneyard DRC Borderless 0 -1
Adaptive Omnitool DRC Borderless 0 -1
Aetherflux Conduit DRC Borderless 0 -1
Aetheric Amplifier DRC Borderless 0 -1
Agonasaur Rex DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Ajani, Nacatl Pariah MH3 Borderless Foil 0 -1
Ancestor Dragon FDN   0 -1
Avenging Hunter CLB FOIL 1 1
Barrowgoyf M3C Extended-Art 1 1
Barrowgoyf M3C Foil Borderless 0 -1
Basri, Tomorrow's Champion DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Bleachbone Verge DFT Borderless Lands 0 -1
Bloodghast DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Bloomburrow Foil Set BLB   0 -1
Bone Miser SPG Special Guest FOIL 0 -1
Boommobile DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Boseiju, Who Endures PRM Extended-Art FOIL 1 1
Brightglass Gearhulk DFT Borderless Graffiti 0 -1
Broadside Bombardiers LCC FOIL 1 1
Bulwark Ox DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Burnout Bashtronaut DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Campfire CMM FOIL 1 1
Captain Howler, Sea Scourge DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Caradora, Heart of Alacria DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Cavalier of Dawn SPG Special Guest FOIL 0 -1
Chandra, Spark Hunter DFT Japan Showcase 0 -1
Chandra, Spark Hunter DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1 1
Chandra's Ignition SPG Special Guest FOIL 0 -1
Chrome Mox SPG Special Guest FOIL 0 -1
City of Traitors EX Foil 0 -1
Coalstoke Gearhulk DFT Borderless Graffiti 0 -1
Cryptcaller Chariot DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Cursecloth Wrappings DFT Japan Showcase 0 -1
Cursecloth Wrappings DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1 1
Daretti, Rocketeer Engineer DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Debris Beetle DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Deep Gnome Terramancer CLB Foil 0 -1
Demonic Junker DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
District Mascot DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Draconautics Engineer DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Duskmourn: House of Horrors Set DSK   1 1
Emrakul, the Promised End EMN Foil 0 -1
Explosive Getaway DFT Japan Showcase 0 -1
Explosive Getaway DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1 1
Far Fortune, End Boss DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Fearless Swashbuckler DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Fierce Guardianship CMM Borderless Foil 0 -1
Force of Negation 2X2 Foil 0 -1
Gaea's Cradle UZ Foil 0 -1
Galvanic Blast SPG Special Guest FOIL 0 -1
Gas Guzzler DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Gastal Thrillroller DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Gonti, Night Minister DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Grim Monolith PRM Foil 0 -1
Grinding Station 5DN   1 1
Guardian Sunmare DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Gyome, Master Chef PRM   0 -1
Hazoret, Godseeker DFT Borderless Graffiti 0 -1
Healing Technique C21 FOIL 1 1
Howlsquad Heavy DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Kaima, the Fractured Calm PRM Borderless 0 -1
Ketramose, the New Dawn DFT Borderless Graffiti 0 -1
Ketramose, the New Dawn DFT First Place Regular 1 1
Kolodin, Triumph Caster DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Lethal Scheme PRM Borderless 0 -1
Lifecraft Engine DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Lifecraft Engine DFT Buy-a-Box Promo 0 -1
Loot, the Pathfinder DFT Japan Showcase 0 -1
Loot, the Pathfinder DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1 1
Lord of the Undead SPG Special Guest FOIL 0 -1
Lost Monarch of Ifnir DRC Borderless 0 -1
Lumbering Worldwagon DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Lumbering Worldwagon DFT Bundle Promo 0 -1
March of the World Ooze DFT Japan Showcase 0 -1
March of the World Ooze DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1 1
Mendicant Core, Guidelight DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Mimeoplasm, Revered One DFT Japan Showcase 0 -1
Mimeoplasm, Revered One DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1 1
Mindspring Merfolk DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Modern Horizons 3 Foil Set MH3   0 -1
Molten Echoes C20 Foil 0 -1
Mu Yanling, Wind Rider DFT Japan Showcase 0 -1
Mu Yanling, Wind Rider DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1 1
Nihil Spellbomb BRC Retro FOIL 1 1
Nissa, Worldsoul Speaker DRC Borderless 0 -1
Ocelot Pride MH3 Retro Foil 0 -1
Oildeep Gearhulk DFT Borderless Graffiti 0 -1
Olivia's Wrath LCC FOIL 1 1
On Wings of Gold DRC Borderless 0 -1
Opposition Agent PRM Extended-Art FOIL 1 1
Orcish Bowmasters LTR Scene 0 -1
Oviya, Automech Artisan DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Parallax Tide NE FOIL 1 1
Pathbreaker Ibex SPG Special Guest FOIL 0 -1
Peema Trailblazer DRC Borderless 0 -1
Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury MH3 Foil Borderless 0 -1
Plagon, Lord of the Beach J25 FOIL 1 1
Planar Nexus M3C FOIL 1 1
Possession Engine DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Priest of the Crossing DRC Borderless 0 -1
Prophet of the Scarab DRC Borderless 0 -1
Pyrewood Gearhulk DFT Borderless Graffiti 0 -1
Radiant Lotus DFT Japan Showcase 0 -1
Radiant Lotus DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1 1
Rampaging Aetherhood DRC Borderless 0 -1
Redshift, Rocketeer Chief DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Renewed Solidarity DRC Borderless 0 -1
Replenish UD FOIL 1 1
Rhet-Tomb Mystic DRC Borderless 0 -1
Riptide Gearhulk DFT Borderless Graffiti 0 -1
Riverpyre Verge DFT Borderless Lands 0 -1
Sab-Sunen, Luxa Embodied DFT Borderless Graffiti 0 -1
Salvation Engine DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Salvation Engine DFT Japan Showcase 0 -1
Salvation Engine DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1 1
Samut, the Driving Force DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Scythecat Cub J25 FOIL 1 1
Sita Varma, Masked Racer DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Skyseer's Chariot DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Skysovereign, Consul Flagship SPG Special Guest FOIL 0 -1
Snuff Out MM FOIL 1 1
Solitude MH3 Retro 0 -1
Spectacular Pileup DFT Japan Showcase 0 -1
Spectacular Pileup DFT Japan Showcase Fracture FOIL 1 1
Storvald, Frost Giant Jarl PRM Borderless 0 -1
Stridehangar Automaton DRC Borderless 0 -1
Sunbillow Verge DFT Borderless Lands 0 -1
Territorial Aetherkite DRC Borderless 0 -1
The Aetherspark DFT HEADLINER Foil 0 -1
The Last Ride DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
The Speed Demon DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Thopter Fabricator DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Thoughtcast SPG Special Guest FOIL 0 -1
Thunderous Velocipede DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Ugin's Labyrinth MH3 Foil Borderless 0 -1
Underground Sea VMA FOIL 1 1
Unmask MM Foil 0 -1
Urza's Saga MB2 White Border FOIL 0 -1
Urza's Workshop BRC   1 1
Valor's Flagship DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Vnwxt, Verbose Host DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Volcanic Island PRM Foil 0 -1
Voyager Glidecar DFT Borderless Revved Up 0 -1
Wastewood Verge DFT Borderless Lands 0 -1
Wave Goodbye LCC FOIL 1 1
Waxen Shapethief DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Webstrike Elite DFT Borderless Rude Racer 0 -1
Whir of Invention SPG Special Guest FOIL 0 -1
Willowdusk, Essence Seer PRM Borderless 0 -1
Willowrush Verge DFT Borderless Lands 0 -1
Winter, Cursed Rider DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1
Wizened Mentor DRC Borderless 0 -1
Zahur, Glory's Past DFT Borderless Legends 0 -1

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